Lapland bunting

Lapland bunting
Биология: лапландский подорожник (Calcarius lapponicus)

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "Lapland bunting" в других словарях:

  • Lapland Bunting — Taxobox name = Lapland Bunting status = LC status system = iucn3.1 image caption = Breeding male regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes familia = Emberizidae genus = Calcarius species = C. lapponicus binomial =… …   Wikipedia

  • Bunting (bird) — For other uses, see bunting. Buntings Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Scientific classification …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of Wales — This list of birds of Wales includes every species of bird that has been recorded in a wild state in Wales. Compared to the avifauna of Britain as a whole, Wales has fewer breeding species but these include a number of moorland species such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Longspur — Taxobox name = Longspurs image caption = Chestnut collared Longspur ( Calcarius ornatus ) regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Aves ordo = Passeriformes familia = Emberizidae genus = Calcarius genus authority = Bechstein, 1802… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of Great Britain — The list of British birds comprises all those bird species which have occurred in a wild state in Great Britain. In general the avifauna of Britain is, of course, similar to that of Europe, although with fewer breeding species. There are 580… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of Spain — 563 bird species have been recorded in Spain, including its outlying islands. The most important of the latter are the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands.Gaviiformes* Gaviidae ** Red throated Diver Gavia stellata ** Black throated Diver… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of France — 532 bird species have been recorded in France. Gaviiformes* Gaviidae ** Red throated Diver Gavia stellata ** Black throated Diver Gavia arctica ** Great Northern Diver Gavia immer ** White billed Diver Gavia adamsii Podicipediformes*… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of Bulgaria — The list of Bulgarian birds includes all bird species which have been seen in the country. Birds marked with (W) are species which spend the winter in Bulgaria but do not breed there, birds marked with (V) are vagrant species and birds marked… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of Poland — This is a list of the bird species recorded in Poland. The avifauna of Poland includes a total of 445 species, of which six have been introduced by humans, and seven have not occurred since 1950.This list s taxonomic treatment (designation and… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of Portugal — Around 600 bird species have been recorded in Portugal, including its outlying islands. The most important of the latter are Madeira and the Azores. The Azores, due to their geographical location, record a number of North American species rarely… …   Wikipedia

  • List of birds of Nunavut — This article contains non English characters and may require the use of special fonts available [ here] .The Canadian territory Nunavut has over 100 species of birds nearly all of which are migratory,… …   Wikipedia

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